Remember when you were in school? Were you a doodler? Did the teacher catch you drawing during class when you should have been paying attention to your school work? Well, 10 year old Joe was always getting in trouble with his teachers who would tell him to stop doodling and pay attention.

His parents decided to encourage his passion for drawing so they enrolled him in an after school art class. His art teacher was impressed with his work and posted some of it on Instagram. An owner of a local restaurant saw it, liked it and reached out to Joe and hired him to doodle all over one of the restaurant walls. It was a pretty big job when Joe started but once he started he got into a rhythm and by the time he finished he was getting lots of attention. Now other businesses are looking at his artwork.

Joe may have just found his life’s work! I think it’s great his parents re-directed his energy into art lessons, which he obviously loved! Now he’s getting paid to do what he enjoys!