How many times have you gone hiking at any of our beautiful state parks?  Do you usually let your family and friends know where you’re going just in case of an emergency?  Probably not.  But what would happen if you got in trouble?  Well,  that’s exactly what happened to James from New Jersey.

He was hiking in the woods with a friend and got lost.  Then they fell over a steep cliff and James fractured his back in 3 places.  As he lay there after the fall he thought he was going to die.  But 3 weeks earlier he had bought an Apple Watch.  He’d been playing around with the settings when he got it and there was something that said ‘hard fall setting’.  He kind of laughed to himself and thought, ‘I’ll never need this’ but he turned it on anyway.  That setting detects when the wearer has a hard fall and asks if they want help.  Then the watch automatically calls 911 and the person’s emergency contacts and gives them latitude and longitude coordinates.

The man’s watch contacted his parents, sister and authorities who were immediately able to rescue him and his friend by boat from the river below.  Because of that watch he is recovering from his injuries.  If you have an Apple Watch you might want to look for that setting because you never know when it just might save your life!