Feeding Your Dog Thanksgiving Food

Feeding your dog Thanksgiving food might seem harmless but feeding them the wrong thing can have serious consequences. While a begging dog can be very convincing, the last thing you want is to spend Black Friday at the veterinarians. By being cautious with feeding your dog Thanksgiving food, you can make sure that you and your pup enjoy your Turkey Day. It’s worth mentioning that anything you feed your dog should be plain, as seasoning, butter or other flavor enhancers can be tough on digestive systems. According to the American Kennel Club, here is what you should and shouldn’t be feeding your dog on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving foods okay for feeding your dog

Turkey meat (no bone or skin)
Sweet potatoes
Plain potatoes
Plain peas
Plain, cooked pumpkin

Thanksgiving foods that you should never feed your dog

Turkey with skin or bones
Candy and gum (possible xylitol)
Vegetables with butter or seasoning
Mashed potatoes
Prepared sweet potatoes
Pumpkin pie (possible xylitol)
Anything with with raisins or grapes

What to do if your dog eats something toxic

The American Kennel Club says prevention is the key to keeping your dog safe, but if they do get into something they shouldn’t it’s important to remain calm. The first thing you should do is remove the dog from the situation. Then, note is how much of the item they ate. Take pictures of any labels or substances.  Keep an eye on the dog and be on the lookout for the following.

Diarrhea or blood in the stool
Behavioral changes (being hyperactive, lethargic or unsteady standing or walking)

If your dog is displaying any of these signs, immediately call your vet or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center hotline at  (888) 426-4435.

Emergency vets in Stark/Summit County

Stark County Veterinary Emergency Clinic – 330-452-5116

Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital – 330-666–2976

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