Tourist Trap (1979)

This film is WEIRD. Pretty standard trope of teens getting picked off when they encounter an isolated rest stop on a long road trip but it’s the presence of weird, kind of alive mannequins and a real ‘Psycho’-style situation with the gas station’s owner that makes this movie a strange one to watch. Not scary as much as it is nerve-wracking, it certainly has some great jump scares and a very 1970’s score.


Sleepaway Camp (1983)

Keeping with the theme of weird, Sleepaway Camp is one of the most oddly built horror movies of the 1980’s. At it’s core, it’s a typical summer camp slasher but there are so many moving parts, figuratively and literally, that you never quite have a chance to say “that person is the killer”. The end set-piece is one of the all time horror reveals though so be sure not to miss this one!