If you’ve ever been a server you know how wonderful it is to get a really good tip.  But not many people get a tip t hat is almost 10 times what the bill is!  That’s what happened to a waitress at a restaurant in Euclid recently.

She was serving a couple from out of town and their bill came to $92.   They left her a $100 tip.  She thought it was a mistake and mentioned it to them but they just said, ‘No mistake, you were wonderful, this place is wonderful, I’d like you to have a good night.’  Then they ordered a $30 bottle of wine to take back to their hotel.  They left a $970 tip on that!  When she questioned him again he said, ‘I know, I want you to have a good night, turn around and go back inside.  I’m happy to do it.’  When she asked who he was he declined to answer and just left

The server said she would be sharing the tip with her coworkers.  I think it’s pretty amazing when people do that.   They know that so many servers work extremely hard and they just want to say thank you.