Rolled Chicken Nugget Ice Cream Is Apparently A Thing
Yes, salty and sweet foods make a delicious combo, but perhaps some things were never meant to go together. Like ice cream and chicken nuggets. Although one company is trying to make it a thing.
Ireland’s XXI Ice released a video on Facebook showing how their unusual dessert is made.
Three chicken nuggets are spread out on a frozen surface. Cream is added and rolled, then everything is chopped into pieces. The whole shebang then gets placed into a cup and topped with three more nuggets.
XXI Ice does have more traditional creations, using Krispy Kreme donuts for instance, but a spokesperson admits to Fox News, “We turn anything we can mash into ice cream, from chocolate to McNuggets. Nothing is too far!”
What’s the most unusual ice cream topping you’ve had? What about food combo in general?