Evil Dead (1981)

Both movies for tonight have a LOT in common. Mostly because they are horror movies at the core but execute in over the top ways. Bruce Campbell became a cult horror icon because of his role as Ash in this classic. The effects and gore are over the top and while it’s a simple story, it gained enough fame to spawn two sequels and a reboot (which had it’s plans for it’s own sequel shelved).

Dead Alive (1992)

Peter Jackson directed the Lord Of The Rings trilogy and won world-wide acclaim for that masterpiece. He also directed Dead Alive. It’s a crazy, over the top romp through a New Zealand town that is dealing with it’s own zombie outbreak, caused by an infected rat. Simple premise, right?

It’s gory and not for the weak-stomach in your house. But it’s got a lot of humor so maybe that will make up for that?