Stark County Solar Eclipse Update

This coming Monday, April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse will move through the United States and parts of Stark County will be in the path of totality. As we’ve gotten closer to the event, the picture has gotten clearer of what we can expect. To find out about events and general eclipse information, click here, but we have an update on the solar eclipse in Stark County. 

What has changed?

NASA has reduced the estimates of the size of the path of totality, which is the area in which the moon is 100 percent in front of the sun. This path of totality has been reduced by about half a mile on each side. For Stark County communities completely within the totality zone, not much will change. Areas once on the line may find themselves in the 99% zone now. The path moves away from downtown Canton and north of downtown Massillon.

What time should Stark County expect action?

According to Great American Eclipse, the solar eclipse enters Ohio at 3:08pm and will be gone from the Buckeye state by 3:18pm, so it won’t last for long in any one spot. For most of Stark County, the show starts around 3:13 and will be over within a few minutes. Keep in mind, the closer to the center line of the path of totality you are, the longer the experience will last. Some people recommend keeping an eye on the sky all day, as the lead up and post eclipse times often have their own appeal.

What does the weather look like?

One of the uncontrollables in life, the weather has the potential to make or break the day. According to the National Weather Service, Monday, April 8th should be in the mid 60’s with partly sunny skies and a chance of rain. The Weather Channel has the temp a few degrees lower but is mostly in line with that forecast.

Photo: Monster Fest


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